Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner. This book was soo beautiful, complicated, and challenging. I wanted the cover to feel both joyful and sorrowful at the same time with the emphasis being on the author as it’s really a coming of age memoir.

In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami. The book has a lot of commentary on consumerism and capitalism so it felt fitting to use a traditional instant miso bag with themes from the novel hidden within. I wanted to cover to feel bold and contemporary to give this classic a new life on the shelf.

Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener. This book was such a quick read. I loved the complexity of her feelings around “good/evil” while working in the tech industry as well as her struggle to understand where her own morals landed. I wanted the jacket to reflect that…it’s positive and fun while also having a sinister undertone. The people are continually marching towards an unknown with endless faith and optimism.

Plays Inverse approached me to design the cover for Catherine Theis' modern take on Medea. After reading through the manuscript, we decided to go with a simple illustration of Medea, face hidden, contemplating her decisions. The reader is unsure of whether this contemplation comes before or after her indiscretions.

Mr Loverman by author Bernardine Evaristo follows the life of a 74-year-old Antiguan-Londoner as he marries, has children, moves across the world, and ultimately finds himself. The book is a will-they-wont-they plot in which the main character is torn between two lives and partners. I wanted to the book cover to elude to this indecision while also keeping the mystery of who the person is that he ultimately chooses. I love this book so much for its depiction of queer love across age, community, borders, cultures and generations.

Hopewell and Is/Was Brewing came to me with the request to design labels for they're new collaborative beer. The beer was aged three times so I wanted the label to represent that—showing the aging of a boy to a man over time.

In his novels, Kundera explores the psychology of human attraction and the inherent objectification that comes with lust. The covers are as surreal and disorienting as his character's lives as they struggle to come to terms with their own flaws during the communist era in the Czech Republic.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being is about a complicated love triangle and the trials that the main couple Tomas and Tereza endure during Thomas's infidelity. I wanted the cover to represent Tereza as a complex woman struggling between her thoughts and actions as well as her own sexuality.

Laughable Love is a compilation of short essays around the mythos of lust and love. I wanted to depict a sort of interwar period mermaid/ghost figure for this cover emphasizing the skewed perspectives of each character.